
The problem with living on my own is how certain foodstuff takes 10,000 years to finish because it comes in bulk packaging.

I think I last bought Milo powder in 2018 (or was it 2017?), and despite being stored in an air tight container, it got exposed to air over time (Ha.) and thus, hardened into this Milo “rock”.

In an attempt to salvage what I could (true to my kiamsiap aunty nature), I chucked the Milo rock into a bowl, soaked it in hot water, and voilà, Milo iceberg.

Milo iceberg or archipelago?

It took time and several hot water baths for that Milo rock to become what it is meant to be: liquid!

I then found myself wondering if, over time, my heart had become like too: hard, and in need of my attention, God’s continued dousing of hot water and His gentle stirring every now and then.

Rock hard Milo: unglam.

Rock hard heart: unglam also. 

“Search me, O God, and know my heart” .  

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